What happens when you toss boiling water into the -30 degrees celsius, bitter cold Canadian air? Instantaneous "fog" (AKA a big vapor cloud of awesomeness). ...
Researchers at Northwestern University have hatched a robotic replica of the ghost knifefish, an amazing sea creature with a ribbon-like fin, capable of acrobatic agility in the water. The fish is di ...
The Leidenfrost Effect: "a phenomenon in which a liquid, in near contact with a mass significantly hotter than the liquid's boiling point, produces an insulating vapor layer which keeps that liquid fr ...
Gross out your friends, or just have fun playing with some goo! You can make your own slime at home easily. All you need is some corn flour and water. Add food coloring if you really want to make it c ...
This video shows you how to make slime, or goo, without using borax which can be harsh on some people's skin. Rather than spending money on buying slime for your children in the toy store, simply mix ...
All you need is a burning laser, a bit of flash paper (which you can find at any magician's shop), some thread, a balloon pump, and of course, a balloon. Then set it all up to set a fire inside the ba ...
Let me begin by saying these processes are extremely dangerous and could cause explosion burn to the bone, and death so take seriously and only do if totally competent. also destroying currency is a ...
Wanna make some lighting in your very own home? You can with this cool how-to video. Basically what you'll be creating is called a Kelvin's Thunderstorm, or, a water drop electrostatic generator. Chec ...
Ever wonder what happens when you put a bar of Ivory soap (the soap that floats!) in a microwave for a few minutes? This science experiment shows what happens when water molecules in a bar of Ivory ge ...
Soap is an incredible thing and this how-to shows some of its incredible qualities. You'll need a plate, some whole mile, some food coloring, some Q-tips and some dish detergent. It's an explosion of ...