In order to learn how to find gold you most learn how it got to Ohio. During the last ice age huge glaciers covered most of Ohio. The glaciers were formed up in the artic circle and draged across Cana ...
This is a great science project! For this, you will be able to make an air battery using zinc. You will also need a paper towel, some steel wool, and an electrolyte solution. An air battery can keep f ...
Looking for something new and unusual to light on fire? How about a propane bomb? This little how-to shows us the explosive power of propane when we expose it to flame. With a balloon, some propane an ...
For this tutorial, you will need some water, table salt, a few square feet of aluminum foil, a needle, some steel wool, a pair of wired alligator clips, a thick paper towel and a voltmeter to test out ...
In other words, it looks totally awesome. The chemical reaction of burning phosphorus and gelatin makes for a mesmerizingly beautiful display of science slo-mo. Previously, What Happens When You Smash ...
Who could resist a gummy bear? Those rubbery little candy creatures shaped like a bear are just too cute and too delicious to pass up. If you can't get any enjoyment out of those gelatin-based confe ...
If you've ever taken high school chemistry, you may already be familiar with the ability of liquid nitrogen to freeze soft object so hard that they will shatter. This video will teach you a fun experi ...
Gummi Bears are great for science experiments due to their gelatinous makeup. In this video you will learn how NOT to make a Gummi Bear conduct electricity, but in fact how to use them to demonstrate ...
A sonicator is a scientific device used to liquefy cells in order to study their proteins. The same tool can also be used to liquefy other things, including Gummy Bears! This video will show you how t ...