The Tesla CD Turbine (the little turbine made from recycled CD's and magnets) is used as a magnetic test bed for this SinkScience experiment. Here, six 3/16 inch diameter neodymium ball magnets are p ...
Use the Tesla CD Turbine running off tap water-pressure as an experimental testbed. The Magnetic Coupler acts in a completely new capacity, as a Magnetic SuperStirrer, in a large Pyrex bowl of water. ...
MrfixitRick demonstrates a magnetically-coupled Salad Spinner run by the Tesla CD Turbine on faucet water pressure. The CD Turbine is a homemade Tesla Turbine made from recycled CD's, CD cakebox, a no ...
MrfixitRick demonstrates the Shake Flashlight Shaker, as it generates electric power out of faucet water pressure. A Tesla CD Turbine is used to convert the kinetic energy of water into rotation. Th ...
The Tesla CD Turbine Blender Attachment is a SinkScience test of the new Kitchen Edition of the CD Turbine mated to a recycled blender from the Thrift Store. The CD Turbine, made with recycled CD's a ...
MrfixitRick shows how to make hydro-electric power using faucet water pressure, a Tesla CD Turbine, and a Subaru radiator fan motor. The Tesla CD Turbine is home-made from recycled CD's, CD cakebox, a ...
MrfixitRick and his assistant Rowan try four "Will It Spin?" experiments in an attempt to see if different objects spin with the rotating magnetic field of the Tesla CD Turbine. Will an aluminum pie p ...
This is the first live action run of the Tesla CD Turbine II with simple hi-speed CD Disc Pack. This particular model of the CD Turbine has no magnets, as well as no shafts, no bearings, no seals and ...
This is a running demonstration of the water-pressure powered Tesla CD Turbine III and Magnetic Coupler, running smoothly and safely at up to 1000 rpm at the sink. The CD Turbine is made from recycle ...
See how to align the finderscope with the primary optics in this brief tutorial on your telescope. Watch this Amateur Astronomy for Beginners - Telescope Finderscopes. ...