Here is a cool show that is all about meteorite identification! These two videos touch on some characteristics of stony (chondrite) meteorites that can help you to positively identify a meteorite. ...
This video introduces the formulae for watts in an electric circuit, P=IxE, P=I^R, and P=E^/R. It also explains how P=I^R and P=E^/R are algebraically derived from P=IxE and Ohm's Law. ...
This video describes Resistor Color Codes and how to read them. It relates Resistor Color Codes to scientific numbers and engineering notation. ...
This is a recording of a class lecture on Voltage Sources. The first part describes how mechanical friction can generate voltages. The second describes how current can be generated using magnetism an ...
In the first video, you'll see how contact between different materials can result in attraction or repulsion. Experimental results are discussed that led to Ben Franklin's one fluid theory of electri ...
In the first video, it introduces the principles and terminology of mechanical electrical switches. It covers terms such as contacts, normally open, normally closed, poles, and throws. The second des ...
The first video introduces the basic electrical quantities of charge, current, voltage, and resistance. The concept of quantities and units is explained. The units of Coulombs, Volts, Amperes, and O ...
This is a guided hands-on laboratory activity to help a student understand the proper and safe use of a multimeter to measure electrical resistance. These two video guides the student through the pro ...
This is a guided hands-on laboratory activity to help a student understand the proper and safe use of a multimeter to measure voltage using an electronic labs kit. This video guides the student throu ...
This guided hands-on laboratory activity to help a student understand the proper and safe use of a multimeter to measure current using an electronic labs kit. This video guides the student through th ...