Everything Else

How To: Revive a drowned fly

Ever wished you were Jesus? This how-to video can bestow you with life-reviving powers. It's not a trick. See how you can revive a seemingly drowned fly with salt by watching this educational and instructional video. Let the resurrection begin.

How To: zoom into a human eye

Amazing. Truly. This is a WonderHowTo weekend digression. When we get excited, we just gots to share. Ok. Ok. Almost all of our tutorials possess a DIY sensibility and bias. Education is a complex relative of DIY and causes us taxonomical gas. But we love the category, nonetheless.

How To: Build a homemade telescope

There is no greater, simpler pleasure than having a picnic with your boyfriend or girlfriend at night in a deserted park while gazing at the night sky. Unfortunately, you probably can't see much of the night sky anymore because of all the light pollution in the city.

How To: Light candles with a microwave oven

Say you're hosting a birthday party and the birthday girl's cake needs to be lit up, but you've just run out of matches. What to do? While you can certainly go to the store and purchase more, doing so would take at least half an hour (an eternity to wait for little kids), it's probably easier to make a flame with what you've got at home.