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How To: Make magic rainbow milk

Though your kids will think this "rainbow" milk looks really cool and will instantly want to consume it, doing so may not be the best idea. That's because in order to create this rainbow milk you'll need to mix in color additives and very non-edible soap.

How To: Make hydrogen

In this video series, our expert Michael Raines will teach you how to make hydrogen. He will talk to you about why hydrogen is important, and show you all the supplies and tools you'll need to make hydrogen. Michael will also show you different type of containers for making hydrogen, he'll show you some stainless steel arrays, and teach you how to assemble the electrical connections for your hydrogen making rig. Make hydrogen - Part 1 of 17.

How To: Make a kaleidoscope

In this series, Elliott Kwong tells you how to build your very own kaleidoscope using such basic items as pvc pipe, a mirror and a Petri dish. Elliott Kwong talks you through each easy step, from cutting the pipe to breaking the mirror to creating the scene in the Petri dish that will be reflected, inverted and twirled as you look down the pipe for your very own homegrown psychedelic experience.

How To: Experiment with carbon dioxide gas

Mr. G plays with chemicals and fire (what a surprise), for a really cool demonstration. An experiment you'll want to try, and probably can try immediately, as all materials (vinegar and baking soda) are likely in your house already. Exothermic reaction and gas displacement at its best!

How To: Make a ball float in the air

This video demonstrates Bernoulli's Principle which states that, “For an ideal fluid (low speed air is a good approximation), with no work being performed on the fluid, an increase in velocity occurs simultaneously with decrease in pressure or a change in the fluid's gravitational potential energy..

How To: Understand invisible forces

Anyone that has ridden in a car knows that when the driver speeds up quickly, you are pressed back into your seat, and that when the driver brakes quickly, you are pushed forwards. But what would you think if the force that pushes you backwards was pushing something else forward at the same time?

How To: Make green colored fire flame special effects

You've seen them at Disneyland's Fantasia. And in big budget movies like "Waterworld" and "Lord of the Rings." Spectacular, glowing fire effects that seem to ripple with the wind are a staple of action movies, and though it may seem like you need a super good video editing team to create such light shows, all you really need is some household chemicals.

How To: Avoid invasive fingerprinting techniques

Ordinary invasive fingerprinting techniques, such as dusting, are prone to damaging evidence. Micro-X-ray fluorescence images fingerprints without touching them. By stimulating atoms to emit signature wavelengths of light, MXRF also provides chemical information -- such as traces of soil or saliva left in the fingerprints -- in addition to the print pattern itself. Avoid invasive fingerprinting techniques.

How To: Learn why cereals go snap, crackle and pop

Food scientists have discovered why Rice Krispies make their characteristic sound when soaked in milk. The cereal contains sugar and is cooked at high temperature, which makes the sugar form crystals and creates air-filled cavities. When a Krispie absorbs milk, the capillary forces push the air to shatter the cavities' walls -- and make a noise. Learn why cereals go snap, crackle and pop.

How To: Make a light board

Looking for a great idea for a science project? In this video series you'll learn how to build a battery-run light board which can test the electrical conductivity of various objects. You can find these supplies easily at your local hardware store.

How To: Make oobleck

Obleck is a mixture that defies Newton's third law and kids will love it! Ingredients you will need are 1.5 cups of corn starch, 1 cup of water, and food coloring which is optional. After mixing, if the mixture is too thick, add more water. If the mixture is too runny, add more corn starch.

How To: Make a magic cabbage

Use red cabbage to determine the pH of different common household items. Great experiment for kids. Begin by cutting up a red cabbage. Put in a blender and blend it. Put in a coffee maker and turn it on. After all has come through, turn off the coffee maker and let it cool. Now test it and determine the pH of different household items.

How To: Do the diet coke and mentos experiment

What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints? It's amazing and completely insane. The first part of this video demonstrates a simple geyser, and the second part shows just how extreme it can get. Over one hundred jets of soda fly into the air in less than three minutes. Do the diet coke and mentos experiment.