If you've ever lived in an area that gets ridiculously cold during the winter, you know that it's not so much like this...
But usually a little more like this.
And don't even get me started on digging your car out of the snow. Once you're past the age where snow can get you out of school, it's more of a hassle than anything.
However, there are a few good things about winter. It's the only time you really get to wear sweaters and scarves, and nobody judges you for not leaving the house all day. Plus, you can make things that you can't at any other time of the year.
If you get bored of snowmen and snow angels (or just don't have any snow), you can make these awesome candle-lit ice globes designed by Rob Barrett and decorate your deck or front porch with them. And if it's cold enough, you won't even need a freezer.
All you need are a few balloons, some water, and tea lights.
Start by filling the balloons with water and tying them off. How you freeze them depends on what kind of equipment you have. If you have a power drill and want to drill out a hole for the candles, you can just set them outside on a hard, flat surface (or in the freezer).
If not, you'll want to let them freeze on top of a cup or bowl like Instructables user Browncoat did. Make sure the knot is facing down inside the cup, and use your hand to push the bottom in once it starts to freeze (4 hours or so). Repeat every 2 hours until it's frozen solid.
Once they're completely frozen, remove the balloons. If you didn't freeze them in cups, you'll need to drill out holes for the candles like Rob Barrett did with his. After drilling the holes, he used a propane torch to give the globes a smooth look.
Check out the video to see how he did it.
Now, just drop a candle in each one and light it and you're all set. For more details on making them in the freezer, check out Browncoat's tutorial. If you prefer the power tools method, head over to Rob's blog.
Photos by Pete + Lynne, Christmas w/a K
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