How To: Dissect a human ear

Dissect a human ear

Okay, the hard part of human dissection is here -- the ear. This is an unusual dissection because you get a de-calcified portion of the skull to work with, so you can even cut through bone with just a scalpel.

This human anatomy video tutorial will show you how to dissect the ear properly, starting externally, and working your way inward. This is a great educational tool for your anatomy class, or if you were ever just curious of what the inside of a human ear looks like.

This is very informative for medical students in need of cadaver dissection instructional videos.

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the legend of the ear (van gogh to tyson) and now here it lies/lays

pretty amazing. i love how colorful the video is. That green fabric really compliments the ... orange bacon/beef jerky ear.

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