News: DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

Arvind Gupta is an Indian educator and inventor who makes whimsical, elegant toys from simple and inexpensive materials. His site has hundreds of free project tutorials, with simply outlined instructions in the categories of science, math, astronomy and more. Below, peruse the video gallery and images for a selection of Gupta's inspiring work.

Says Gupta, "The best thing a child can do with a toy is break it!"

The Open Mouth Inflated Balloon:

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

Coin Centrifuge: 

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

Balancing Nails:

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

Margosa Merry-Go-Round:

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

Magnetic Torch:

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

Aluminum Can Motor:

DIY Toys Made From Trash + 100's More Easy Tricks & Experiments

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