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News: NASA to Bomb the Moon (For Real)

No joke. This is not an Onion headline. This coming Friday, October 9th, NASA is actually planning on bombing the moon in search for water. The missile, a Centaur rocket, will blast off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, aiming at the moon's South Pole. Scientists will then analyze the debris from the explosion for traces of water ice or vapor.

News: Make a Battery Out of Money

Hunkin's Experiments offers over 200 science experiments freely available in comic strip form. The experiments are organized in 18 different categories, covering a wide range from simple trickery to more technical experiments. The author, Tim Hunkin, is a trained engineer turned cartoonist, and also responsible for TV series/site The Secret Life of Machines (worth a look).

News: Rocket Power Your Lazy Boy

Since the days of Archytas, rocket propulsion has been the Holy Grail of aeronautics. Thanks to Galileo's inertia, Newton's laws of motion, and the "father of modern rocketry," Goddard, space is not a complete mystery anymore. Rocket-powered aircrafts have evolved from the first liquid fuel rocket in 1926, to the Soviet R-7 which launched Sputnik, to NASA's Saturn V that propelled Apollo 11 to the moon. Today, even billionaire tourists can enjoy space, like Microsoft's Charles Simonyi and Cir...

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