Science Experiments How-Tos

How To: Make a homemade hot air balloon

Think a hot air balloon is something you can only read about in books? Think again. In this six-part science based tutorial, learn how to make your very own hot air balloon using science & the following easy to find materials: plastic bags, plastic drinking straws, thin candles, aluminun foil, tape, and scissors.

How To: Make a cartesian diver

In this two-part science tutorial, learn how to make a cartesian diver, easily & inexpensively. A Cartesian diver, sometimes known as a Cartesian devil is a classic science experiment, named for René Descartes, which demonstrates the principle of buoyancy (Archimedes’ principle) and the ideal gas law.

How To: Make ice cream in under a minute with liquid nitrogen

Systm is the Do-It-Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. In this episode, you'll learn how to make ice cream in udder a minute, using the wonders of liquid nitrogen. (You will also learn how to do this safely, so you don't risk giving your fingers a case of instant frostbite.)

How To: Build a Winogradsky Column

The Winogradsky column, invented by Sergei Winogradsky, is a device for culturing a large diversity of microorganisms. Pond mud and water are mixed into a column using carbon sources like newspapers and sulfur sources like egg yolks. Left in the sun for a few months, the column becomes a colony rich with microorganisms, bacteria, cyanobacteria, and algae. In this video, scientist Karen Dodson shows you how to make your own.

How To: Do colorful electrolysis

No, colorful electrolysis has got nothing to do with zapping the hair off of a punk rocker's head. Electrolysis of water, according to Wikipedia, is "the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current being passed through the water." In this video, you'll watch in amazement as a young scientist colorful electrolysis to transform ordinary water into a psychedelic display.

How To: Make crystal iodine

MAKE brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life. Make Magazine celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will. In this tutorial, Robert Bruce Thompson shows you how to make crystal iodine. As Thompson says in the video, crystal iodine is currently a schedule one compound, and in order to buy you have to fill out a lot of paperwork and you'll end up on a DEA list. This tutorial gets you around that, but proceed carefully.

How To: Make slime for kids

Any time is the right time for slime! In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to whip up a nauseating glop of green goo. It's actually a remarkably simple process, requiring just a few basic steps and materials you probably already have around the house. So get to work, and then get sliming!

How To: Make aluminum nitrate nonahydrate

Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate is a crystalline hydrate - a salt of aluminum and nitric acid - Al(NO3)3·9H2O. It's used for a variety of things such as antiperspirants, corrosion inhibitors, and petroleum refining, or… glow-in-the-dark powder. Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make aluminum nitrate nonahydrate with Dr. Lithium.

How To: Make a permanent, reusable glow stick

Make a reusable glow stick, glow-in-the-dark-style! Imagine, you'll never have to buy one of those ChemLite's again, because you can reuse this homemade glow stick over and over again. This video tutorial will show you how to make a permanent, reusable glow stick. The materials in this experiment are simple: epoxy resin, straw, and some phosphor powder.

How To: Grow a crystal garden

A crystal garden is something that not everyone has. Grow a crystal garden for a science project, or grow it to add a hint of magic to your own herbal or vegetable garden. Show it off to friends and family. Watch this video to learn how to grow a crystal garden for your personal use.