This video is compilation of ten amazing optical illusions: Rooftop Illusion, Color Illusion, Motion Binding Illusion, Crazy Wire Illusion, Duck-Rabbit Illusion, Silver Egg Illusion, Anamorphic Illusi ...
In this experiment, we're going to get Mn2O3 (manganese(III) oxide) from MnO2 (manganese(IV) dioxide). Mn2O3 forms brightly red or a dark red colored crystal. It is used in Li-ion batteries, since (in ...
This is an Instructable by canida on how to harvest squid ink. Clean your own squid, and collect ink for printing or cooking! To see the full guide, check out Instructables. ...
This requires a dry hen's egg at room temperature. Hold an egg near a candle flame to cover it with soot. It will need to be completely covered. This is tricky, because if the egg is a tiny bit damp t ...
-Quickly Peel a Hard-Boiled Egg by Shaking It in a Glass of Water Create your own Tuna torch. A can of tuna and a piece of paper towel form a makeshift oil-lamp that burns for 2-3 hours.-Separatie Egg ...
Most of us have conducted an investigatory science project without even knowing it, or at least without knowing that's what it was called. Most science experiments performed, from elementary to high s ...
The trick in the video is that the magnets are made of a conducting material and they connect the battery terminals to the copper wire, so the battery, magnets and copper wire make a circuit that gene ...