Hot Science Experiments How-Tos

How To: Make giant smoke rings

Get your kid's creative juices flowing during the Halloween holiday by trying out this great science experiment with Steve Spangler. Get the inside secrets on how to create smoke rings that are sure to cast an eerie feeling over your home. Get your science on this Halloween by following these simple instructions on how to make smoke rings with your kids!

How To: Make a model of a space comet

Are you an active or aspiring scientist? In this free educational video from National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, learn how to make a model of a comet, and why models are important to scientists. Get started on a scientific road to discovery with help from this excellent video on how to make a model of a space comet.

How To: Properly read a micrometer

A micrometer is a common tool that most mechanical engineers are required to understand. They can be a difficult one to understand. But with the right instructions, can be simple to understand. Well this tutorial provides just that! Find out the proper way to read a micrometer in no time at all. Enjoy! Properly read a micrometer.

How To: Read a vernier caliper

A vernier caliper is a great tool to use if you're interested in measuring things externally, internally, and in some cases the depth. It gives you a precise measurement and includes both metric and inch measurements on the upper and lower part of the scale. It's an easy tool to use and can be helpful in certain situations. So sit back and enjoy this tutorial on how to read a vernier caliper. Enjoy!

How To: Read a dial caliper

This device is a refined version of the vernier caliper. What seperates this from the other is that is has a circular dial that is measured thanks to a small gear rack. The device can still be used to measure things externally and internally as well as sometimes depth. The side of the caliper can be locked in order to keep it in place and is quick to use. So find out how to read this dial caliper following some easy steps. Enjoy! Read a dial caliper.

How To: Measure with a micrometer

If you aren't employed as a mechanical engineer, chances are you may have no idea what this is. This device is called a micrometer. It's used to make certain measurements and is often looked at as a form of a caliper. This tutorial will show you how to measure properly with a micrometer. You never know when you'll need one, but at least you'll know how to use one. Enjoy!

How To: Use vernier caliper

For those who may not know what the device in this tutorial is, it's a vernier caliper. It's basically a scale that measure certain thins, but this one is more precise than others. They can measure internal, external and sometimes depth. This devise is used to obtain a precision measurement. It can be a bit confusing to use, but can be helpful in certain situations. So sit back, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Make an electro-magnet with only three things

An electromagnet is a fun, cool science experiment that you can easily make at home. In this tutorial, learn how to make a powerful electromagnet with only three pieces! And the best part is, you probably already have these items in your house or garage! So, why not gather some supplies and try making an electromagnet? You will definitely impress your class and friends.

How To: Make an edible plant cell model for biology class

Science fairs are some of the most creative moments during the elementary school period. Not only are you able to research a topic of interest, but you also have try to find various ways in which to showyour scientific results. In this case, you'll find out how to make an edible plant cell model for an easy science fair project of for biology class. It's easy to do and will surely attract the attention of your teacher and others. Enjoy!

How To: Do a jumping flame science experiment

This nifty little science experiment is sure to be one that will not only educate, but entertain as well. This tutorial shows you how to do a jumping flame experiment using nothing more than a candle, a flame, and some smoke to help the flame travel. It's perfect for those young and old and is easy to perform. Enjoy!

How To: Make a tightrope walking magnet

In this how to video, you will learn how to make a tight rope walking magnet. You will need a power supply with currents between 15 to 25 amps. A thick wire from a half to one centimeter is also needed for the tight rope. A small neodymium magnet will also be required. String the wire from one end to another. Place the magnet at one end. Use a pair of pliers and a piece of metal as a switch to run the current through the wire. Once that is done, the magnet should go down the wire. A magnetic ...

How To: Do a yeast experiment to see how much C02 it produces

In this Education video tutorial you will learn how to do a yeast experiment to see how much C02 it produces with different types of food. Yeast is a fungus and it has to eat. After it eats, it produces CO2 gas. The bubbles in bread are produced by the CO2 gas from the yeast. Take five different types of food items and measure out the same quantity for each item. In the video it is 8gms of cookie, oil, flour, salt and sugar. Take six glasses of water and mix one packet of yeast in each glass....

How To: Make a tea bag fly experiment at home

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a tea bag fly with a home experiment. Viewers learn how to make a tea bag fly using convection. The materials required for this experiment are: tea bags, matches, tin foil and scissors. Begin by cutting the top of the tea bag and open it. Empty out the tea. The tea bag should be a cylinder shape. Place the tea bag on top of a piece of tinfoil and use your matches to light the top of the tea bag. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy ...

How To: Make blue phosphorescent glow-in-the-dark powder

Making a blue glowing substance is easy, as long as you already know the secret to making green luminescent phosphorescent glow powder. By watching the green glow-in-the-dark procedure, you know that you will need strontium nitrate, aluminum nitrate, europium and dysprosium nitrates, and nitric acid. That will make a green glow, but if you want to make a blue version, it's a relatively easy fix...

How To: Build a rain gauge

In this how to video, you will learn how to build your very own rain gauge. You will need tape, scissors, rain gauge ruler, and a jar. First, go to the website shown and print and cut out the ruler on the screen. Next, cut the tape strips. You will need them to be about 5 inches in length. Next, attach the rain gauge ruler to the jar. You will do this by placing the ruler on the tape and place the ruler on the jar. Make sure the ruler is aligned with the bottom edge of the jar. Take the secon...

How To: Make potassium trichromate

In this how-to video, you will learn how to make potassium trichromate. You will need potassium chromate and dichromate. It is easy to go between the two. You can add a base to the dichromate to make the chromate. It will go from orange to yellow. The trichromate can be produced. You will need nitric acid, potassium dichromate, and sodium disulphate. First, make a solution of sodium sulphate. Take a long test tube and the potassium dichromate to it. Add double the volume of concentrated nitri...

How To: Experiment with two-dimensional motion

Motion can be studied in different dimensions. Study of motion of a body in a straight line is called motion in one dimension. A falling body can be called as motion in one dimension. Things can also move sideways when they fall at the same time. This is also called as projectile motion and it is a study of motion in two dimensions. When studying projectile motion we can neglect one dimension of the motion and study the other dimension obtaining the results of motion in that dimension. If a b...

How To: Experiment with circular motion

This video shows various experiments with circular motion. In Dr. Carlson's Science theater he uses water, a lit candle, and a piece of paper to show the ways that circular motion causes gravitational pull. The water in a glass doesn't spill as it is spun around 360 degrees in a circle, even upside down. The flame on the candle was pulled toward the center when spun around. The piece of paper becomes a paper saw and was able to cut wood when spun. He not only demonstrates centrifugal force wi...

How To: Find light photons with LEDs & photosensitive paper

In this video Dr. Carlson demonstrates the properties of light. Light is like a wave and it is also like a particle, which means that it comes in small packets. To demonstrate how we know that light behaves like packets of energy, he uses LED’s in different colors and a sheet of phosphorescent paper. When light with a high enough energy shines on the paper it will cause the paper to glow.

How To: Find the North Star from the Northern Hemisphere

In this how to video, you will learn how to find the North Star in the northern hemisphere. To do this, you must know how to locate the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. The Big Dipper is one of the brightest constellations in the sky. You can use this constellation to find the location of the north star. The two stars at the cup of the Big Dipper will point towards Polaris, also known as the North Star. The North Star is the end of the handle of the Little Dipper. This will be helpful if you...

How To: Experiment with magnets and eddy currents

Eddy Currents are little circles of electricity created when metals are moved by magnets or even when magnets are moved by metals. To understand this practically take a regular piece of cardboard and drop it in between a horse shoe magnet. It drops normally with out being effected by the magnet. This is because the cardboard does not conduct electricity. Therefore it does not cause any eddy currents. But instead if you use an aluminum piece in the same way, it falls very slowly, because alumi...

How To: Make ice cream and explore the ingredient salt

In this Education video tutorial you will learn how to make ice cream and explore the ingredient salt. Ingredients are a cup of milk, sugar, vanilla, some salt, ice and two plastic bags. Add two tablespoons of sugar to one cup of milk, a quarter teaspoon of vanilla, stir it up and pour it in to a plastic bag. Put this bag in another bigger plastic bag, add some ice and about half a cup of salt. Seal the bag and start mashing it. After about 10 minutes, it will turn into ice cream. When salt i...

How To: Create an acid-base indicator using purple cabbage

Purple cabbage is a natural indicator and this video teaches you how to easily prepare purple cabbage in the comfort of your own home to be used as an acid and base indicator. Take one leaf of your purple cabbage, tear it into smaller pieces and place all the pieces into a beaker or bowl of boiling water for an hour. Collect the liquid from your mixture into a bottle. You’ll notice that the liquid is now dark blue or purple at which point is neutral. It is ready to be used as an indicator. ...

How To: Stack liquids experiment at home

In this how-to video, you will learn how to stack liquids at home. This will make for a great experiment. You will need a tall, transparent container, molasses or honey, liquid soap, water, vegetable oil, and rubbing alcohol. You might want food coloring and items to float in the container. First, add the molasses to the container. Next, add the dish soap and water. You can add food coloring to this. Make sure to pour it on the side of the container. Add the vegetable oil on top of the water....

How To: Make an erupting volcano with soap

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make an erupting volcano with soap. Begin by adding some vinegar into a flask/baker. Then add some soap into the vinegar and stir it by shaking the flask/baker. Users may choose to add some food coloring to make the mix look more like lava. In a separate, add some water and baking soda. Then stir it to mix. Pour the baking soda solution into the soap and vinegar mixture. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in science and experi...

How To: Determine the air amount in packing peanuts w/ acetone

How much air is actually inside a packing peanut? There is a simple experiment to conduct to see what is leftover. To begin, pour 200 ml of acetone into a glass container and add approximately 1800 ml of packing peanuts. Stir with a wooden spoon to dissolve. The video's author starts with the 1800 ml and realizes that that isn't enough. He then keeps adding until he has added an entire large bucket to the original 200 ml of acetone. After all are dissolved, all that is left in the glass conta...

How To: Do a sodium and water experiment

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a sodium and water experiment. Sodium is a silver metal that is very reactive. When exposed oxygen in the air, an outer coding of sodium oxide will form. Simply drop a piece of sodium into a cup of water. When dropped in water, sodium reacts to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The sodium will constant move around in the water. Sometimes the heated reaction will cause the nitrogen gas to ignite. Under the right condition, it may even cause...

How To: Freeze water by boiling acetone

You can freeze water by boiling it. To do this you will need a Vacuum pump. Vacuum pump can be used to suck out air from a container and create vacuum in it. Take a bell jar. Now connect the vacuum pipe into it and suck out the air from it. Take a flash and add little bit of water to it. Now we want to freeze this water. Add some acetone to it. Acetone boils and evaporates very quickly. Add a few chips of marble to it. These will enable in boiling of the water. Now set this flask in the bell ...