From insects in our food to tapeworms in household pets, here are 10 disturbing facts you wish you didn't know. If an asteroid just one kilometer in size hit Earth, it would cause mass extinctions…The ...
In this video i try to make an approachable explanation of what is sound. Because is something so fundamental in our lives, deserves to be understood in physical terms but don't worry, this is a simpl ...
This is the end of wi-fi era, In future light are capable to pass the internet in more secure and more fast way. A presentation about latest upcoming technology LI-FI. What is LI-FI what are its Advan ...
Back in 2007, YouTube user HouseholdHacker posted a parody video on how to make a high-def speaker for under a buck. MythBusters took on the challenge and busted it. Although that particular method do ...
You Need just 2 Components: • Table Salt• Vinegar for a better cleaning leave coins in solution for 2/3 minutes ...
A shaped charge is a device capable of focusing the energy of an explosion in one point, this makes it capable of piercing many inches of steel. This kind of explosive charge was first used in the sec ...
Do we only use 10% of our brain? This myth establishes that most of the human brain is unused, suggesting that we only use a small portion of it and because of this some kind of secret power can be un ...